"An Everlasting God of Comfort and Strength"
Brief overview of the book of Isaiah:
Chapters 1-39- ________ of God
Chapter 5:12-13
Chapter 5:25
Chapters 40-66- ______ and __________ of God
Chapter 40:1-2
Vs. 27-
Why do you say that your way is _______ from the Lord and God doesn’t ______?
Vs. 28-
This is who God __.
1. ______________
2. ________ of the earth
3. ____________ in power
4. ___________ in knowledge
Vs. 29-
This is what God ____.
1. Gives ________ to the weary.
2. Gives _____ to the weak.
Vs. 30-
Here is the _______ of mankind.
1. Everyone get ______ and _____.
2. Everyone can _______ and ____.
Vs. 31-
The _______ of God.
Those who _____ in the Lord will have _______ strength.